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Proper estate planning helps individuals and their families reduce taxes and provide for the long-term best interest of their families and favorite charities.

However, decision-making is not always easy when it comes to managing and planning. Some of the tax issues involved can be technical and complicated, and there can be serious consequences if assets pass in the wrong way to a beneficiary who is too young, or has too many problems, to receive it outright. Likewise, proper long-term charitable planning often involves private foundations and other charitable vehicles that may be subject to complicated tax and anti-abuse rules.

Our attorneys will work hand-in-hand with you to develop an effective long-term plan for your estate and make sure that plan is properly implemented when the time comes.


Our estate planning services regularly include one or more of the following:


  • simple and complex wills

  • revocable living trusts

  • charitable remainder and lead trusts

  • life insurance trusts

  • credit shelter trusts

  • pet trusts

  • grantor retained annuity trusts

  • grantor retained income trusts

  • intentional defective grantor trusts

  • qualified personal residence trusts

  • special needs trusts

  • powers of attorney

  • family limited partnerships

  • private foundations and similar entities


We also represent taxpayers in estate, gift, and fiduciary income tax audits and litigation, fiduciaries and beneficiaries in estate and trust disputes, and fiduciaries in actions brought by or against estates and trusts.




909 Poydras Street, Suite 1250
New Orleans, LA 70112
phone: 504.524.2944
fax: 504.524.2969 




2900 E. Causeway Approach, Suite D

Mandeville, LA 70448
phone: 985.674.1443 
fax: 985.674.9082 

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