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Asset protection is an important component of estate planning for anyone with personal or professional holdings, especially those in professions with elevated risks of personal liability, such as physicians, attorneys, and business owners. The ultimate goal of asset protection is to shield the client and his or her family members from unknown potential claims and lawsuits, both from inside and outside the family.


After obtaining an inventory of a client’s assets and liabilities, our attorneys develop sophisticated techniques, personalized to the client’s overall objectives and goals, that serve to protect the client’s individual and business assets. Specifically, we strive to create liability protection from professional malpractice claims, business-partner lawsuits, personal liability as a corporate director or officer, liability from personal malfeasance, divorce proceedings, and personal injury claims. Utilizing state and federal exemptions for assets, including annuities, life insurance, homestead exemptions, and retirement plans, tax and entity planning, marital property planning, and lifetime marital, dynasty, and children’s trusts, we not only strengthen our client’s defensive position, but can maximize potential estate and tax benefits as well.


Our attorneys have significant experience representing individuals, families, professional practices and family-owned businesses. Our attorneys are recognized for their experience and practical knowledge. We focus on educating clients about potential options available given their particular situation and then work together with our client to develop and implement customized plans that will achieve the client’s goals.



909 Poydras Street, Suite 1250
New Orleans, LA 70112
phone: 504.524.2944
fax: 504.524.2969 




2900 E. Causeway Approach, Suite D

Mandeville, LA 70448
phone: 985.674.1443 
fax: 985.674.9082 

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